Monday, October 23, 2006

Communists, Democrats, What's the Difference?

Apparently, not much if you compare party platforms. The Democratic Party of today is almost a mirror image of the Communist Party. Long ago, Democrats have abandoned any pretense of traditional American governance in favor of an oppressive, over-reaching Big Brother. Now, the Communist Party is helping Democrats take back the Congress.

I recently visited the Communist Party-USA (CPUSA) site to see how they viewed the American landscape vis a vis the Democratic Party. I was not shocked to find out that they were almost exactly alike.

How does it feel to be a "Communist," you liberals?


Anonymous said...

There's a big difference, but you wouldn't know it since you're a raging Nazi yourself.

Jim Aitkins said...

Let me interpret the above responses to Tracy's challenge:

'I lack the intellectual or factual basis to articulate my disagreement. Therefore, before calling you a name that has no factual basis, let me just say that there IS a big difference between Democrats and Communists. You'll have to trust me on that, though, because I cannot offer a single significant difference. However, I did call you a name, so that counts for something, right?'


'Don't you dare ask me what I mean when I suggest that Republicans are radicals. We liberals are not required to back up anything we say with actual facts. When we call names that means the debate is over. You've lost.'

Anonymous said...

Liberals/Democrats/Communists/Socialists...they can not allow the truth. "Nationalsozialismus", I believe is the German word from which the acronym "Nazi" is derived. That would be national socialism, which resides on the left hand side of the political spectrum, this for the 40 watt bulb who calls us Nazi's.

Anonymous said...

It feels wonderful. Why are you afraid of Communists? They aren't about to come and get you, and they have some great tools of analysis.
It will be so nice when we can actually discuss how much influence Marx has had on contemporary thought without the word Communism being thrown around like a bogeyman. Do we really have to wait until all of the McCarthyists die off?

Jim Aitkins said...

I do not read anywhere anyone saying they are afraid of communists. Do you? Show us where someone says they are afraid of communists.

Tell us about the communists' great tools of analysis.

If you'd like to discuss how much influence Marx has had on contemporary thought, go ahead and do so. Let's debate it.

And who are you referring to when you say McCarthyists? Do you even know who Joe McCarthy was? Give us the name of one person that Senator McCarthy falsely accused of being a communist. Just one. ONE NAME. Can you do that?

Just once I would like the truth about communism to be discussed openly without folks who do not know anything about communism throwing around the name McCarthy like he was the bogeyman.

Anonymous said...

The influence of Marx on the world = one hundred million dead. What a guy. Maybe we should have a frank discussion about his influence on the modern world.

Anonymous said...

I read the communist ideas, and I have to say, I agree with them. So, I'm glad that liberals have the same ideas, it will create a better nation. Thanks for telling me.

Anonymous said...

My it's so liberal to hide behind ideas like health care and such but we already pay for that for every illegal who walks across. You can't reason with a liberal that should be quite clear from their comments. Getting them out of elected office is the only answer or lose our country.