Monday, September 18, 2006

Liberals Have Their Heads in the Sand

Sometimes, it's easier to take criticism from your own people. So, for the benefit of liberals who read this blog, feel free to peruse this piece by Sam Harris in today's Los Angeles Times in which he emphatically states:

  • "At its most extreme, liberal denial has found expression in a growing subculture of conspiracy theorists who believe that the atrocities of 9/11 were orchestrated by our own government. A nationwide poll conducted by the Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University found that more than a third of Americans suspect that the federal government "assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East;" 16% believe that the twin towers collapsed not because fully-fueled passenger jets smashed into them but because agents of the Bush administration had secretly rigged them to explode.

    Such an astonishing eruption of masochistic unreason could well mark the decline of liberalism, if not the decline of Western civilization. There are books, films and conferences organized around this phantasmagoria, and they offer an unusually clear view of the debilitating dogma that lurks at the heart of liberalism: Western power is utterly malevolent, while the powerless people of the Earth can be counted on to embrace reason and tolerance, if only given sufficient economic opportunities.

    I don't know how many more engineers and architects need to blow themselves up, fly planes into buildings or saw the heads off of journalists before this fantasy will dissipate. The truth is that there is every reason to believe that a terrifying number of the world's Muslims now view all political and moral questions in terms of their affiliation with Islam. This leads them to rally to the cause of other Muslims no matter how sociopathic their behavior. This benighted religious solidarity may be the greatest problem facing civilization and yet it is regularly misconstrued, ignored or obfuscated by liberals."
He states the need for a united effort to fight terrorism (but from a liberal viewpoint) and that liberals cannot be trusted on national security or for fighting an enemy which hell-bent on our utter destruction. Check back here after you have read the piece in toto. You may even enjoy his decidedly anti-Bush stance (nobody's perfect).


Anonymous said...

Sure, you find one sellout and you think you have a legit argument. This guy is all over the map just like your convaluted views about the "War on Terrorism." We're fighting this war for the all-mighty dollar and for oil.

Anonymous said...

Maybe liberals will eventually wake up. I'm surprised that this guy is waking up before a major American city lay in ruins. It usually takes something beyond obvious for a liberal to take a serious look at it. Even then, their memory fails them after two news cycles and we're back to square one again.

Anonymous said...

Winston Churchill grew out of being a liberal. He once said, "If you're not liberal by the time you're 18, you have no heart. If you're not conservative by the time you're 30, you have no brain."

Anonymous said...

"Sure, you find one sellout and you think you have a legit argument."

Where has this happened before? Maybe with that one asshole lietenant from Hawaii who refused to deploy to Iraq because it was 'unjust'. Well, anonymous #1, HE GOT HIS OWN WEBSITE and the anti-war crowd made him their messiah, claiming dissent in the armed forces.