Friday, August 11, 2006


In the midst of the American Civil War, there was a political party that was unapologetically anti-war and campaigned (sometimes violently) for peace. Not coincidentally, they were Democrats out of touch with reality. The war was almost won and they were protesting for an instant peace.

In Washington and around the country this week, the "Copperheads" are going to be back. This time protesting against Israel and the United States and their efforts against global terrorism.

In 1864, the Democrats adopted a platform of "peace" and immediate reconciliation with the southern states. Led by Clement L. Vallandigham, they denounced the Lincoln administration for pronouncing the Immancipation Proclamation, called Lincoln a "liar and war mongerer," and were against any further military funding of the war effort. They circulated literature that called Lincoln "Africanus I," illustrating him as a black man with a crown (a racist gesture).

Vallandigham was earlier arrested for his traitorous activities (wouldn't that be nice if we still did that?). Later released by Lincoln and exiled to the country he loved (the pro-slavery South), he would sneak into Canada and run for Governor of Ohio in 1863. He lost as most "peace sneaks" did, yet his ideals carried over into the Democratic presidential platform of 1864 when George McClellan ran on the Democratic ticket.

Even though McClellan was "pro-war," he wanted to negotiate with the south on the brink of victory. Does that sound familiar? Now the neo-Copperheads want Israel to negotiate on the brink of victory and for the US to pull out of Iraq completely so that another civil war can erupt in our wake. They try to maintain (with a straight face) that they are for the military; they just always seem to be against what "those baby killers" do. It sounds just as stupid now as it did then to a majority of the voters.


Anonymous said...

Democrats will be Democrats. They can't help being snakes in the grass, that's who they are. The problem is that their poison kills the ones without the anti-venom.

Jim Aitkins said...

I suggest anyone who refers to Neo Conservatives (a term usually uttered without any idea as to its meaning) get tarred with Neo Copperhead. "What's that supposed to mean?" they ask. Suggested reply: "Look it up."

Jim Aitkins said...

Bill: are you a drive-by liberal stone thrower, or are you here to engage in debate? If so, comment on a topic rather than calling names. Just a suggestion.

Name calling is fine. We can handle it. But in order to exact the most pain in your hated targets - us conservatives - wouldn't it make sense to call us names that actually describe us (in a crass, lewd way) instead of terms like Nazi; a "name" that refers to Germany's leftist party of the 1930's & 40's; a political party that, among other things, emphasized heavy government regulation (anti-smoking laws for example), high taxation; a political party that was so aggressively secular that it became barbaric and murderous toward the most religious population segment in their society; the Jews (and the many thousands of Christians who attempted to protect them).

Oh my gosh - that's you, Bill! In America, the left hates the most religious population segment in the U.S.; the Christians. In Europe, anti-Semitism among your counterparts on the Left is on the rise as well.

You love high taxes. You love government regulation. You like to put folks into various racial categories. According to your side, the less religion in America, the better. And WE (conservatives) are the Nazi bastards? How creative.

You, my friend, are helping make the case for school vouchers. Parents need to be able to have educational choice so that their children don't get filled with the kind mindless idiocy ricocheting around in your head.

Give yourself a week or so to sit down with a good history book. Learn about the origin of a few things.

The Left resembles the Nazi's in several respects. The Right resembles the Nazi's in no respect. And since there are far more out-of-wedlock births among those who vote for the likes of Ted Kennedy, it is also more accurate to firmly affix the bastard pin on you and yours.

Nazi bastards --- that's you!

Well, that's two strikes. Care to try again?

Ryan Wrasse said...

Bill comments on our blog every once in a's the same thing there. Someone used a good term, I think it was "drive-by" Liberal. I couldn't have said it any better. Any lib that comments on our site does the same ole thing. They roll in, bash us and call us names, then they are gone.

Tracy said...


I know what you mean, the libs' arguments are so vacuous that they have to resort to character assassination just to score a few points. Meanwhile, they're hoping we have done as little research as they have and thus are unable to convincingly argue against their "points." That won't work here.