It's been a good week for America. We
rounded up another important dirtbag in Iraq, heard about
successes in our inteligence-gathering efforts, and we'll get to hear from
Rush Limbaugh on "Catie's News" tonight. I even had the opportunity to share that optimism with a national audience yesterday on
Brian and the Judge. All in all, a good week.
Yet, here come the
Windbags of War again. Harry Reid (thanfully, no relation to Nick Reid)
called for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld again. Not unlike the Democrats of 1864 calling for the resignation of Ulysses S Grant ("too many wasted lives for no victory" or some similar mantra was used then too).
When will we realize that Democrats cannot be trusted on national or international security issues? They're NEVER right! Does anyone remember the stories from Afghanistan that
called it a "quagmire" less than 7 days from victory. "No one can conquer that rugged country, the USSR tried and failed, how can we expect to win?" was a common consensus of the liberals. Now, they're telling us that Iraq is "un-winnable" That tells me that we're winning big, Mr. Murtha!
Look at some of the real-world results:
- We're killing a whole lot more terrorists than the terrorists are killing of us.
- The terrorists haven't been able to continue their plan to kill women and children in the US or to blow up portions of major cities here.
- Libya surrendered without a shot being fired and gave up their nuclear weapons program. That is no small victory in the war on terror!
- The terrorists have had to continue to resupply a failing Iraqi effort instead of coming here despite Democrat efforts to make it easier for them to get in and plan those efforts without covert intervention by our intelligence agencies.
Sure, there have been other attempts at terrorism in other parts of the world. Has anyone noticed that (thanks to our new focus on intelligence gathering which all liberals oppose) we've been able to thwart many of those efforts before they got off the ground? Did anyone notice that Iraq has now held three (3) successful national elections? Did anyone hear that Iraq is taking charge of its own military as of this week which will precede our ultimate objective to pull out after total victory?
Those are difficult topics for liberals to handle. They much prefer the US to lose in war if there is any chance that a Republican can take credit for it. They want to distort the victory by claiming massive civilian casualties and torture of prisoners (by the way, the terrorists in Iraq are killing the civilians while we try to stop them, and I haven't seen our military sawing off any heads like the terrorists like to do to their prisoners). Liberals are only "Americans" if Democrats are in charge. If they're not running (actually "ruining") the country, they are completely opposed to it. Petty, but true.
You don't have to believe me, just listen to the constant calls for surrender, compromise, retreat, resignation, censure, and every other traitorous thing you can do in a time of war, streaming in from the left. Cindy Sheehan is a worthy spokesperson for that crazy, unamerican cause.