Monday, August 21, 2006

"Please, Please, Can We Cut and Run Now?"

I listened to a portion of the President's press conference this morning and it was the same theme that the united Democrat and news media have trotted out since the beginning of the Iraq war; Cut and Run.

A variation of the same question kept being asked, "Don't you think, given the increasing violence in Iraq, that it's time to rethink your policy?" I wouldn't have been able to answer as calmly and patiently as the president did, but he answered just as one would when trying to teach little children who are having difficulty understanding.

The Democrats and their "rubber stamps" in the media are still promoting the same cowardly approach they always take. Whenever we run into adversity, we should quit, according to them (I hope they teach their kids that so mine will be more successful). President Bush kept reminding them that if we quit, there are dire circumstances (like having the terrorists follow our soldiers back here and fight us on our own soil). Yet, they would not be persuaded.

Tell me, what game, what endeavor, what purpose is ever achieved by giving up? If it is worth having a democratic ally in the Middle East, if it is worth saving millions of lives, if it is worth avoiding a civil war or an invasion by Iran, if it is worth removing a brutal fascist dictator, if it is worth the lives that were sacrificed for freedom and equality, then tell me how it can be won without continuing the fight until victory is achieved.

I saw this quote on a while back; "freedom IS free!" I guess we should disband our entire military right now then and set about convincing whoever takes over our government that we get to keep our freedom. Martyrdom is noble only if the cause is worth fighting for and the victory is won. Freedom is not free, it is a noble cause, it requires sacrifice and determination, and it takes time and effort to win.

Patience is a virtue that the left apparently lacks and why they always opt for the quick and easy way out. When you cut and run away from any battle you can and should win, you are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, not unlike General McClellan during the Civil War. Fight on, brave soldiers! We're on your side all the way to victory.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To all self described liberals:

...this is a blog where you will be asked again and again to engage in rational, thoughtful, substantive debate. Toward that end, and with permission from my good friend, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, I post a letter that he wrote and which was originally published in the Nov/Dec 1999 issue of American Enterprise magazine.

I was reminded of the letter the other night when an apparent liberal critic of our conservative views left his comments here at Conservative Jungle, calling us Nazi bastards. I responded to that (click here for that exchange) by pointing out that The Left resembles the Nazi's in several respects while the Right resembles the Nazi's in no respect. Of course, the "conservatives-are-Nazis" catchphrase - one of the favorite canards of the Left - is intended to put us on the defensive (as if there is even a scintilla of commonality between conservatism and Nazism). Liberals themselves present the most convincing evidence of the complete emptiness of their charge whenever they are challenged to come up with a single factual correlation between good old Ronald Reagan Conservatism and any of the rotting planks of the Nazi party of Adolf Hitler. They can't.

Liberals: you started it. You brought up the big lie. Go ahead and defend it. Or go one better; why don't you tell us conservatives how you - your beliefs - are substantively different from the Nazi's. Aren't you the real Nazi bastards? Prove you're not. Read this masterful piece from a learned Jewish man, then prove you are all that different from the Nazi's.

The Hitler LetterNovember 1999
By Rabbi Daniel LapinPresident, Toward Tradition

By the miracle of poetic license and a bit of time traveling,we learn how Adolf Hitler might view America as it enters the 21st Century

"I have no intention of explaining how the correspondence which I now offer to the public fell into my hands. There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."
-Preface to The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis

My Dear Julius,
[Editor’s note: Julius Streicher was a Nazi leader hanged after the Nuremberg trials]
Landsberg prison, which I entered on April 1, 1924 , and where I wrote Mein Kampf, is strangely similar to this place I entered after shooting myself on April 30, 1945 . I found myself in both places involuntarily, yet they have each provided me with peace as well as perspective.

As one tends to do in the timeless eternity of our existence here, I often reflect upon my single most regrettable error—underestimating America . Exactly one month after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor I told you at our Berlin headquarters that America is a decayed country. My feelings against Americanism were feelings of hatred and deep repugnance. Everything about the behavior of American society reveals that it’s half Judaized and the other half Negrified. How can one expect a state like that to hold together? Well, America did somehow hold together and seized victory from us. However, and this is important my friend, she has finally adopted many of the vital ideas of our movement. Could not this be described as an ultimate vindication of all we lived and died for? Perhaps it is even a victory of sorts.

Let me explain. First and foremost we were socialists. As national socialists, or Nazis, we presumed that government and the people were hostile to one another. Thus, we understood that the old German tradition of citizens’ owning guns had to end. On March 18, 1938 , we enacted our Law on Weapons and ruled that only government agents may own firearms. You can imagine my approval as I watched Senator Thomas Dodd craft America ’s Gun Control Act of 1968 by having our own law of 1938 translated for him by an official of the Library of Congress. My dear Julius, we can be proud of how similarly the two laws read. Those gun control efforts are naive and well-meaning, but their results will resemble ours. We told the German people that gun control laws were needed to curb gang activity and preserve democracy, but what those laws did was help us prevail.

We Nazis understood that every German citizen must live for the state. And in the same way that wise farmers accept responsibility for the health of their herds, we used the power of government to keep our flocks healthy. We were disgusted by the addictive powers of cigarettes, since both mind and body were supposed to belong to the Führer. We succeeded in almost criminalizing the smoking of cigarettes.

Our Ministry of Science and Education ordered elementary schools to discuss the dangers of tobacco. Government-sponsored cultural and educational events were declared “smoke-free.” In the late 1930s we called for increased taxes on cigarettes and later instituted bans on cigarette advertising. I am most proud of the legislation we introduced prohibiting sales of cigarettes to minors. We set up counseling centers for the psychological treatment of smokers, and we established smoke-free restaurants.

We soon managed to prohibit smoking on Luftwaffe properties and followed that with prohibiting smoking in post offices, government buildings, and many workplaces. In 1940, S.S. Chief Heinrich Himmler announced a smoking ban for all on-duty police and S.S. officers. Our comrade, Hermann Goering, decreed soldiers may not smoke in public, and most cities banned smoking on public transport in order to protect the ticket takers from second-hand smoke. We can indeed be proud that today America has also come to realize the importance of central government taking the initiative in regulating what people do not have the good sense to do voluntarily.

Do you remember that awkwardness in late 1940? The American consulate in Leipzig reported on our policy of conducting compassionate euthanasia on the patients in the Grafeneck Mental Asylum in Württemberg. What an uproar resulted in America ! But now one of America ’s most prestigious institutions, Princeton University , has appointed as professor of bioethics one Peter Singer, who openly advocates putting to death the mentally defective, the terminally ill, and even severely disabled infants. He would give parents and doctors the right to actually kill (not just withhold treatment from) newborns with, for instance, spina bifida and hemophilia. Singer insists a newborn has no greater right to life than pigs, cows, and dogs. So the ridiculous idea that all human life is sacred is now finally under attack in America . A sitting President was re-elected after affirming the legitimacy of exterminating infants during birth, and doctors in their province of Oregon have begun doing away with the elderly and weak. Yes, America is certainly coming around to our way of seeing things.

Finally, dear Julius, you will remember what I frequently said and wrote in Mein Kampf: “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people.” I explained that as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. It is truly heartwarming to see how well this lesson has been learned by the American government. In the name of children, incursions into the private lives of American citizens have been made that we Nazis would have gazed at with open-mouthed admiration. Does it matter that our bodies failed as long as our spirit still triumphs?

I know you have a question to ask me, my friend: What about the Jews? After all, how can I say that much of America is adopting our views when Jews still exert such disproportionate influence in that country? Grasp the genius of your Führer. You see, dear Julius, with well-meaning earnestness, most American Jews are solidly behind the ideas I have been describing. In the mistaken belief that they are making America safer for minorities, American Jews have joined those advocating ever larger and ever more powerful government. In reality, what they are doing is making America more hospitable to national socialism. When it eventually arrives, they too will see the real dangers, but then it will be too late. Now they only see danger in illiterate thugs with no hair on their heads. American Jews are frightened by a handful of the sort of people we used to execute, instead of being terrified of the institutionalized danger they are helping to create—government with limitless power that could one day be hospitable to tyranny.

We didn’t just kill Jews—we were obsessed with them. We knew and understood the power their God conferred upon them. It was either their 3,000 year-old vision of holiness or our modern ideas of scientific progress that would prevail. Do you recall that Israeli thug, Isser Harel, who founded their cursed Mossad and captured our brother Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1960? Harel was astounded when Eichmann, upon realizing that he had been captured by Jews, called out the Hebrew prayer Shema Yisrael, “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.” Eichmann understood. You, Julius, you also understood. You ascended the gallows in Nuremberg and your very last words were “Heil Hitler!” (for which I thank you) and then “Purim Fest 1946.” You knew that when the Allies hanged my ten friends, they were playing out a modern day version of the biblical book of Esther in which ten enemies of the Jews were hanged on the festival of Purim.

And it wasn’t just the Jews. Joseph Goebbels put it quite well: “The Führer is deeply religious though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so; it is a branch of the Jewish race.”

We can be confident America will preserve and develop our Nazi ideas of scientific human perfectibility because of one stroke of genius even Reich minister of propaganda, Goebbels has to admire: Those who are advocating socialism in America, whether deliberately or inadvertently, have succeeded in turning the term “Nazi” into a slur that may only be used against those on the right, such as Christian conservatives. Never is it used against those on the left who are precisely the Americans doing most to advance our agenda. We are winning Julius, we are winning. Heil Hitler.


Liberals: we welcome your comments.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Liberals interested in civil conversation: please watch this, then come back with your comments:

Monday, August 14, 2006

Liberal Ideas Need Government Support

I paid a vist to our liberal buddies over at to see what had their panties in a bunch today. Typically, they're raving about their huge victory in Connecticut and bragging about moving polls with their attack ads against Republicans. But I noticed one issue that they were really panicked about; sensorship.

The two items they were promoting as key issues were keeping the internet free of filtering (those liberals need their porn, you know) and government funding of their allies at PBS. They said, "Congress must save NPR, PBS, and local public stations. We trust them for in-depth news and educational children's programming. It's money well spent."

Two problems:
1. trusts their news coverage.
2. "Children's programming" can mean more than one thing.

Should taxpayers be forced to pay to promote the views that trusts? In fairness, should we then be forced to pay for coverage that every other political group trusts; the Libertarian News Network, the Conservative Channel, the Nazi Network? Actually, disregard the Nazi Network since that would give MoveOn two networks.

The plan being considered is a phase-out of government money that would force PBS and NPR to stand on their own by selling ads or attracting like-minded corporate support (good luck to the anti-corporate liberals who run the networks). In essence, "if your network can't support itself, then the public at large shouldn't be forced to keep it alive for liberal news coverage's sake."

The issue of "children's programming" can be taken two ways, and if you've watched much PBS you know what I mean. It can mean the benign "programs for children" or it can mean "children's indoctrination." I contend that the focus of many of the shows is the latter. I don't set my children in front of the tube to become zombies for "peace" and environmentalism. Neither should I be forced to support that for others' children.

Liberals are quite "concerned" and are "ready to fight" every time they think the playing field is about to be leveled. Their ideas cannot win and their "truth" becomes exposed as only opinions if they're forced to compete and debate openly. They need PBS, NPR, AirAmerica, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and all the rest because "conservatives have FOXNews." Maybe, if FOXNews were as conservative as liberals say they are, they'd have even more viewers. One thing is certain, only liberals need your money to promote their ideas. We don't need your stinkin' money.

Friday, August 11, 2006


In the midst of the American Civil War, there was a political party that was unapologetically anti-war and campaigned (sometimes violently) for peace. Not coincidentally, they were Democrats out of touch with reality. The war was almost won and they were protesting for an instant peace.

In Washington and around the country this week, the "Copperheads" are going to be back. This time protesting against Israel and the United States and their efforts against global terrorism.

In 1864, the Democrats adopted a platform of "peace" and immediate reconciliation with the southern states. Led by Clement L. Vallandigham, they denounced the Lincoln administration for pronouncing the Immancipation Proclamation, called Lincoln a "liar and war mongerer," and were against any further military funding of the war effort. They circulated literature that called Lincoln "Africanus I," illustrating him as a black man with a crown (a racist gesture).

Vallandigham was earlier arrested for his traitorous activities (wouldn't that be nice if we still did that?). Later released by Lincoln and exiled to the country he loved (the pro-slavery South), he would sneak into Canada and run for Governor of Ohio in 1863. He lost as most "peace sneaks" did, yet his ideals carried over into the Democratic presidential platform of 1864 when George McClellan ran on the Democratic ticket.

Even though McClellan was "pro-war," he wanted to negotiate with the south on the brink of victory. Does that sound familiar? Now the neo-Copperheads want Israel to negotiate on the brink of victory and for the US to pull out of Iraq completely so that another civil war can erupt in our wake. They try to maintain (with a straight face) that they are for the military; they just always seem to be against what "those baby killers" do. It sounds just as stupid now as it did then to a majority of the voters.